Movie Theater Covers

We make custom theater covers that secure a variety of concession displays, electronic ticket kiosks, lobby displays, POS systems, arcade games, and more. We can imprint your theater logo onto your custom covers upon request.

Merchandise Covers

Concession Stand Cover

Ticketing Kiosk Cover

Featured Movie Theater Cover Project

Movie Theater Covers for Alamo Drafthouse

Equip Inc. provided 28 custom lockable merchandise display covers to Alamo Drafthouse Cinema for use at movie theaters at various locations around the U.S.!

Before & After

Movie Theater Concession Covers

Concessions provide a major source of revenue for movie theaters. Let us help make sure your displays are secure after hours and your merchandise protected. We can help your theater by supplying durable, lockable, protective covers that keep your stands completely enclosed and secure. Many theaters and retail locations are forced to stock and un-stock their displays to ensure nothing is stolen after operational hours. With Equip’s custom, lockable covers, those extra steps can be eliminated saving time, and keeping your merchandise safe and secure on your shelves.

Electronic Ticket Kiosk Covers

Electronic Ticketing Kiosks are likely a huge investment for movie theaters, and they may need to be covered while awaiting maintenance, after hours to prevent vandalism, or to protect them from weather conditions if they are placed outdoors.

Arcade Game Covers

Many theaters have an arcade in the front lobby as an added feature for guests to enjoy while waiting for their movie to start. When these games are out of order & awaiting maintenance or closed down for the night, Equip Inc.’s custom covers will secure and lock them.

Get Started

Do you have a custom cover project? Click "Order Covers" to submit your project requirements. To chat more about your order, please callemail, or LiveChat with us! We'd love to hear from you.